For years BM has been respecting the environment

By continually improving its production process in order to minimize its impact on it.
Our company follows the norm IPPC 96/61/CE Integrated pollution prevention and control.
Since 30/05/2011, our company strictly follows the requirements and conditions issued by AIA No. 7 (INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORIZATION) in respect of the environment.
The above mentioned authorization was issued by the Province of Vicenza after a careful evaluation of the environmental components produced by the process of anodizing aluminum such as: air emissions, water emissions, waste and noise.
Water treatment cycle
The water from the rinsing tanks is fed into a coagulation tub, in a pH neutralizing tub, and subsequently into a flocculation tub and then into two settling tanks. Once the water has been separated from mud, the water passes through sand filters and returns cleaned to the process tanks.
In order to keep air and water emissions under the limits allowed by law, the company has put in place a plan for monitoring critical parameters and a maintenance plan for the air and water purification plants in order to ensure more efficiency.